Saturday, June 6, 2009

Original in Puerto Rico

This past January i spent 10 days in Puerto Rico shooting for Original Skateboards and their riders.  We drove across the island hitting up various spots and came across an abandoned hotel on top of a mountain that overlooked a city.  We decided to hop a barbwire fence to check out the hotel and we found an empty pool filled with garbage and glass,  as well as a roller coaster shaped roof top that had an area to skate on that was about 3ft wide.  The roof was a bit sketchy to skate because there was a 100ft drop if you fell of the roof.  After skating the pool and roof for a few hours we decided to bolt before we got caught trespassing.  A Puerto Rican cell was not where i wanted to end up on my trip.  

The Crew(except for the little girl...she was just hanging out)

Abandoned Hotel(this is not a sequence shot...there are 4 people skating the roof)

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